Why I cleaned my car today……not just because it was nice out

Today was a very nice day. Sunny, 90 degrees. Not typical for a September day. Driving the V at 55 MPH. Anyway, I’m driving home from work and as I try to avoid some road kill (which smelled  like a skunk) all of a sudden this huge bird comes out of nowhere. It was a turkey vulture.

This Turkey Vulture scoops down to grab the road kill and then it went behind me with the contours of my vehicle. Both are now road kill.

Sharks eat Seals, says 2 year old

Did you know why there are so many sharks in and around where seals are? this 2 year old can tell you. She saw seals 2 days ago and learned while watching shark week on Discover Channel that sharks feed on seals. You can also see where sharks are being tagged by going to this site. OCEARCH Global Tracking

Weather in the North East August 9, 2013

This is the current weather on 295 south in Rhode Island. It is windy, rainy and can be dangerous at times. Try staying away from the trucks as it is difficult to see with the water spraying off them. Be careful not to hydroplane with the flooding on the main roads and side roads. Rain should continue all day into the night with temperatures in low 70’s.

I discovered the next tool in losing weight and building mass in this information age….

693173551_origI have the answers for you. There is not one or the best way to do it, but a person who has done it, can522023207_orig explain to you how to do it and feel better everyday. Overall Health and Nutrition should include proper nutrition, exercise (both aerobic and anaerobic (weights) but will also depend on how much residue you have clogging out those pipes of your. Did you ever wish you would feel better without taking pills? sleep without needing aids? Don’t depend on your doctor for the answers…depend on the doctor who is telling you not to depend on your doctor!! How does that sound? My sister did it, my brother-in-law did it, over 1,000 of her family and friends have done it. If you are interested in learning more on how to take off the inches please call me at 631.316.8563 or Please contact me at Email